Adult ADHD Education and Support Groups
The ADHD world is filled with resources and information for children with ADHD but often leaves adults to find their own way. Our programs are designed to provide support and education that is tailored to the needs of adults with ADHD. Our goal is to equip individuals with tools, knowledge, and resources that will help you manage symptoms and improve your overall well-being. Our program is divided into four weekly 90-minute sessions, each covering a different topic. Participants are encouraged to suggest topics and share strategies and progress with the group. This is a supportive environment that fosters collaboration and discussion.

Week One
Executive Function and Emotional Regulation
ADHD is believed by many to be based in executive dysfunction, which affects attention, impulse control, and planning. Emotional regulation and executive function are essential cognitive abilities that govern behaviour and emotions. To develop effective strategies for assisting and managing ADHD symptoms, it is crucial to understand these aspects.
Week Two
Managing Life​
Many adults with ADHD find it difficult to manage various aspects of their lives, including their work responsibilities, household chores, and self-care tasks. Establishing routines can be particularly challenging. It is important to develop strategies for organization and self-care to ensure smoother and more fulfilling days. These tools can help individuals with ADHD manage their daily tasks more effectively.

Week Three
Work, Further Study, Family and Relationships​
Many adults with ADHD find it difficult to manage various aspects of their lives, including their work responsibilities, household chores, and self-care tasks. Establishing routines can be particularly challenging. It is important to develop strategies for organization and self-care to ensure smoother and more fulfilling days. These tools can help individuals with ADHD manage their daily tasks more effectively.
Week Four
Coping Strategies​
This week's topic is ADHD and the challenges it poses in daily life. We'll explore these challenges and suggest practical and effective ways to make life more manageable for those with ADHD.

The total cost of the program is $400, which includes four 90-minute sessions over four weeks.
We invite you to join our in-person ADHD Education and Support Groups and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment alongside a community dedicated to supporting adults with ADHD and the unique challenges and strengths that the condition brings.
Medicare rebates may be available with a current mental health care plan, and a referral to our service can be obtained from your GP. Please note that if you are currently attending individual psychological therapy under an existing mental health care plan and wish to claim Medicare rebates for these group sessions, a GP referral to our service is still required, and group session claims do not impact your claiming eligibility for individual therapy.